REACH 2022 Pigments

We are pleased to provide permanent make-up pigments that are completely compatible with the new REACH 2022 rules in Europe.

REACH relates to all chemical compounds found in everyday life.

Thus, this law applies to substances used in the creation of Permanent make-up & Microblading pigments, tattoo dyes, cleaning products, paints/varnishes, as well as items such as clothing items, furniture, and electrical appliances.

Reach 2022 Pigments is a new initiative from the European Union that aims to reduce environmental impacts caused by pigments used in industrial and consumer products. The goal of Reach 2022 Pigments is to replace hazardous substances with safer alternatives, such as biodegradable or non-toxic materials. This initiative has been created to ensure that all pigment suppliers comply with EU regulations on hazardous chemicals and provide consumers with safe and sustainable products. 

The first phase of the Reach 2022 Pigment program focuses on assessing existing pigment formulations for their potential hazards, identifying suitable alternative options, setting up quality assurance systems for these alternatives, and providing guidance documents for industry stakeholders involved in producing pigmented products. In addition to this assessment process, there are also plans underway to create an online platform where companies can access information about available alternative pigmentation options as well as support services related to meeting regulatory requirements associated with using those materials safely. 

Overall Reach 2022 Pigments represents an important step forward towards ensuring responsible production practices across Europe’s chemical industries while still protecting public health at large through reducing exposure risks posed by certain types of toxic chemicals found within everyday items like paints or cosmetics . By creating more awareness around what goes into our daily lives it will be easier than ever before for us all make informed decisions when shopping which should lead us one step closer towards a greener future!

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